Saturday, March 21, 2020


Chicago public schools just announced shortly before 6PM on Thursday night that the original school shutdown which was 'only' for two weeks, will no be extended (at least) until a full FIVE WEEKS have elapsed.

Also late today the United States State Department warned all Americans not to travel abroad and if they were out of country to get back. It is not difficult to imagine that the entire airline industry will officially grind to a halt before too long... although it is hard to imagine what is happening with them right now.....

My 'last' night in the field I stayed at a Marriot hotel in Columbus, Ohio.
I was one of EIGHT guests in the hotel that had 254 rooms.
I was on the NINTH floor.  There were more 'floors' in the hotel than there were guests.
On the day that I checked out, I was told that there were no scheduled arrivals.
It is hard to imagine that that hotel will be open too much longer.
That hotels and thousands of others around the country and world.
Yep, things are getting curiouser and curiouser.



Purchased GAS at the Costco in Merrillville, Indiana on Wednesday night.


I visited a Walmart in Northern Indiana on Wednesday... I went to purchase Keurig Coffee, Instant Oatmeal and some canned soup.  That part of my trip was successful.... Still I checked out some other sections of the store...

Need Cereal? Sorry, gone

Need Eggs? Sorry, gone

Need Bacon and/or Sausages? Sorry, gone

Need Bread? Sorry, gone

Need weapons for home defense? Yep, Walmart's got you covered!



On Friday, with my new-found free-time, I did something that I have not done in ages... I took a walk... My daughter and I walked downtown Chicago (ghost town) and we accumulated some serious steps for the day.


out and about during my 10+ mile walk with my daughter in Chicago

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