There are some people who might feel that I am eating too little. I am in Day 15 of my new program. My program does not have a sexy name like Paleo, Slim Fast, Biggest Loser, Atkins, South-Beach, Mediterranean, Weight-Watchers, Jenny Craig or scores of other plans. Each one has its own book (or books) and each has its legions of followers. My diet plan is EAT LESS. For fourteen consecutive days I have consumed less than 1000 calories per day. Some days I have been under 800 calories. The small amount of literature that I have seen indicates that this might be too low. Would it have been really helpful if I had a hot dog roll with my hot dog (+100 Calories)? Would it have been helpful if I had had ranch dressing on any of my salads (+300 Calories)? Would it have been helpful if I had had my baguette with my Turkey Chili (+100 Calories)? Would it have been helpful if I had had only one piece of cake as some kind of misguided reward (+400 Calories)?
I am convinced that my body is sending signals to me thanking me for finally giving it the fuel to operate properly. In the past, I might have consumed 3000, 4000 or even 5000 calories per day. What nutritional benefit did the Ho Ho's, Oreos, Dunkin' Doughnuts, Klondike Bars, or M&M's provide? Homer Simpson eats a lot of calories, but how much of what he eats is actual food? At the suggestion of my doctor I have added a multivitamin and vitamin D supplement to my daily routine. It is not my intention to live on 1000 calories per day in perpetuity. I do not know when precisely I will be ready to increase it. My next followup appointment with my doctor is on February 20 - and I will discuss this with him at that time. I hope he recognizes me.
I just typed a comment.. logged in and poof it's gone. Let's try this again. I've started my 'Clean Eating' as of this Monday and set a 1200 cal goal for myself. However, for the past two days I've fallen about 100 - 200 or cals below that each day. I feel great though. Better than I have felt in a long time and it's only been a few days. Are you working out as well? I haven't started working out yet but plan on starting this evening when I get home.
Hello Maria. Congratulations on beginning your 'clean eating' program. As you have learned, it does not take long to start feeling better. My 'workout' has been walking. I started last week walking at 4 mph for only 20 minutes. This week, I have upped that to 30 minutes at the same 'speed.' The endurance to do something so simple as walking improves quickly. After only two days of deciding to change my life, I was feeling so good and so determined, that I was inspired to start my blog. Read my post, EXERCISING EPIPHANY, when you cut down the calories, just a little exercise can make a big difference. I wish you continued success. Our only obstacle is ourselves. I have commanded my lazy self to get out of the way!
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