Tuesday, June 14, 2016


The dictionary defines 'bittersweet' as something that is both pleasant and painful. Yesterday I walked my daughter to school. Of course it was pleasant. Although we have not actually walked to school together very many times since she started kindergarten, I have driven her to school many times. Yesterday was the last time that I will ever walk my child to her elementary school.  She graduates from eighth grade this Friday. My schedule will preclude any more walks to school this week. So that's it. High School girls don't like to walk to school with their dads so much. I cannot fathom my Mom or Dad walking me to school when I was in high school - although I cheerfully accepted a car ride occasionally. So there is the bitter part. My girl is growing up. Of course, this is the natural order of things.  I am very proud of her achievements that she made during her elementary school years. Still yesterday's walk was bittersweet. Her high school will only be a little more than a half mile from home - maybe I will sneak in a walk with her once in a while. I know that she will still accept a ride in the car if the weather is inclement - but that's just not the same thing as a two mile walk through the neighborhood. 
A photo to be treasured: Dad and Daughter on the 'last walk' to school
The last walk together, to elementary school - two miles took 33 minutes! (It us usually difficult for me to walk so slowly!)

Question: What does one do to erase the melancholy of the feeling of walking one's daughter to elementary school for the last time?  Answer: Thirteen Mile walk
Before the day was over, I found another 99 minutes to spend on the elliptical machine. I know one cannot use exercise to shed weight, and yet, I find myself with the 'need' to burn calories every chance I get. I know that there are more wasteful ways of spending time. I am content with my hobby of calorie burning. I used to believe that the reason that I could not take off a day from exercising was that I would redevelop the habit of not exercising at all. I am the same guy who spent nearly ten years exercising for approximately zero minutes in aggregate. Apparently this is a 'dragon' that I have slayed. I am less hopeful that I will ever 'slay' the 'overeating dragon' that lives within me. Perhaps the best I can hope for is to win my share fare of daily battles to insure that I win the war. Things would be so much easier if I could simply curb and control my appetite. Life is not easy. We all try to deal with our own personal demons as best we can. That is precisely what I am doing.

Even after I was sure that I was done with my walking for the day, I was not. My daughter returned home from the beach with the yearbook of a friend of hers staying at a third friends home about a mile away. In order to return the book, I offered to walk with her and get the book back into the hands of its owner. Of course, I did - I managed to log an additional 4000 steps which assured a 40,000+ step day. 

Your Food Diary For:

Monday, June 13, 2016
BREAKFAST Calories Carbs Fat Protein Sodium Sugar
3 Egg Omelette - Ham and Cheese, 1 Omelette 400 1 30 40 1,225 0
Kirkland - Pre-Cooked Bacon, 4 slices 160 0 12 12 700 0
Creamy Wheat - Enriched Farina 240 50 0 8 170 2
Malt O Meal - Honey Nut Scooters 240 48 3 6 420 18

1,040 99 45 66 2,515 20
Earthbound Farm - Baby Spinach, Organic 40 6 0 4 130 0
Crab - Imitation 100 18 0 8 563 4
Roundy's - Sliced Beets 40 8 0 1 250 6
Tomato - Grape, 1 cup 45 6 0 1 7 9
Hard Boiled Egg, 1 Large Egg 78 1 5 6 62 1
Lady lLiberty - Asparagus 18 2 0 2 408 0
Sage - Red Delicious Apple, 2 medium apple 190 50 1 1 4 38

511 91 6 23 1,423 57
Homemade - Lasagna 800 53 25 40 1,053 21

800 53 25 40 1,053 21
Natural Dark Chocolate With Cherries 500 44 32 6 0 22

500 44 32 6 0 22
Totals 2,851 286 108 135 4,991 120
Your Daily Goal 6,277 784 209 314 2,300 235
Remaining 3,426 497 100 178 -2,690 114
Calories Carbs Fat Protein Sodium Sugar
*You've earned 4,347 extra calories from exercise today         

Your Exercise Diary for:

Monday, June 13, 2016
Cardiovascular Minutes Calories Burned
34 303
175 2,480
99 1,288
34 382
Ic_i N/A -106

Daily Total / Goal 343 / 30 4,347 / 590  
Weekly Total / Goal 343 / 210 4,347 / 4,130




[adjective bit-er-sweetbit-er-sweet;noun bit-er-sweet

both pleasant and painful or regretful:
a bittersweet memory.

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