Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Day 15

At some point, I am going to stop counting days.
Today is not the day to stop counting days.
Monday was the fifteenth consecutive days that my calorie count was in the neighborhood of 1000.
This is stupefying to me....
Just three weeks ago, I stopped at a White Castle and ordered 10 cheeseburgers. And it was't the first time.
How could the same guy who could have 10 White Castle cheeseburgers be the same guy who could keep up a streak of 1000 calories per day?
Here's the answer: I don't know.



My first weekly summary from my new Fitbit Versa only included one day as the purchase was made Sunday afternoon

My first complete week with my new Fitbit Versa


Yep, I ordered 10 of these, just a few weeks ago... and that was only dinner. Odds are that I had a similarly healthy meal for breakfast and lunch. It kind of takes the mystery out of trying to explain why I had been rapidly gaining weight recently.


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