Sunday, October 14, 2018


Saturday morning at 9:00AM I set out in the 37° F temperature in Chicago. The cold weather didn't feel so bad as I was properly dressed and there was no humidity in the air.
I walked 3 miles west, 2 miles south, 3 miles east and 2 miles north.
I basically walked a 10 mile rectangle.

I am still counting my days since I began this trip from 283.6 lbs down to my current 233.6 lbs. The first 70 or so days were limited to approximately 1000 calories per day. In the past week or so I have allowed myself to consume 1500+ calories, although I have not exceeded 2000 calories.

Check out the beautiful crisp blue sky hanging over the city.

If I am going to walk over the next few months, I can never let a  37° F temperature stop me.  It's going to get a lot colder in the upcoming weeks. Still it is mildly amazing to me that seven days ago I was walking in 90° F temperatures. 


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