Sunday, September 2, 2018


September 1 was Day 34 on my drastically reduced caloric consumption plan.
This is turning into a sushi diet, I have had sushi for lunch or dinner many times.
I expected to take a significant walk on Saturday.
By the time I had finished, I had longest 18 miles.
It was longest urban hike since my Long Beach hike back on December 27, 2017 on Long Island.
I would like to say that this extra long 18 mile hike felt great.
And it kinda did....
But when I had a sushi meal and got up to walk home the four tenths of a mile, I was hobbling like an old man... 
This is often how I feel after one of my extended hikes... so no worries there.
I do know this, in late July when my weight catapulted over 280 pounds, I was finding it difficult to walk half a block... so I can safely say that I have completely eradicated that very lame condition.
I think on Sunday, I might not walk at all... or I might walk just two miles or so..... just to keep my legs loose... 








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